COVID-19 and the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals operates submissive to the authority of both civil government as well as the sessions of our host churches. Out of a preponderance of care, they have asked us to cancel the physical gathering of our Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology; first Grand Rapids and now Philadelphia. We do not take this action lightly and we do so with a heavy heart. We will miss your fellowship!
We were able to record content from our Grand Rapids meeting. We have copies of Dr. Boice's commentary on Revelation, Seven Churches, Four Horsemen, One Lord: Lessons from the Apocalypse, right off of the printing press. It is our intention to hold PCRT online, with brand new content, during the already slated Philadelphia PCRT weekend. We are working on those plans now and will keep you posted on, as well as through email and social media.
If you have registered for PCRT you will be hearing from the Alliance by email or by USPS. If you do not hear from us please reach out to or call 215-546-3696 x 1.
Sadly, events like PCRT have a vast majority of the costs upfront. Given the significant financial investment incurred some people have requested that we change their registration to a donation—thank you for supporting the conference.
Again, we are sad to not see you. But the nearly 500 turned away in MI turned into nearly 1,800 viewers last weekend. We hope for that and more during the PCRT/PA stream! God is at work and we hope you can continue to give us suggestions and ideas of how the Alliance, your Alliance, can continue to serve the Church through these challenges!
Stay safe, know that prayer is our comfort, and thank you!
Bob Brady
Executive Director